switch statement in java
switch statements is similar to if-else-if ladder in java . It execute one statement from multiple conditions. A switch statement have an optional default case which can be appear at the end of switch . Default case will execute when none of conditions are matched . Default case has no break statement . Each case must have break otherwise the flow of control will fall until a break is reached . switch works with byte,int,short,char primitive data types . It also works with Enum types , String class etc.
Syntax :
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Syntax :
switch(expression) {
case value :
// statements
case value :
// statements
default : // statements
Example :
public class SwitchDemoExample { public static void main(String[] args) { int month = 5; String strMonth; switch (month) { case 1: strMonth = "Jan"; break; case 2: strMonth = "Feb; break; case 3: strMonth = "Mar"; break; case 4: strMonth = "Apr"; break; case 5: strMonth = "May"; break; case 6: strMonth = "June"; break; case 7: strMonth = "July"; break; case 8: strMonth = "Aug"; break; case 9: strMonth = "Sept"; break; case 10: strMonth = "Oct"; break; case 11: strMonth = "Nov"; break; case 12: strMonth = "Dec"; break; default: strMonth = "Invalid month"; break; } System.out.println(strMonth); } }
Output : May
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