Operators in Java

Operators are the symbol that is used to perform operations . There are many types of operator available in java. Operators are as follows 

 1.Assignment Operators :
                                             Assignment operators are used to assign a value in   
     in variable .If a value exists in variable then new value will be overridden in
     variable . Here is an example .
       public class Demo
          public Demo(){
              int x;
                  x=10;  // assigned value in x
               System.out.println("before override the value of x is : " + x);  // print 10
               System.out.println("after override the value of x is : " + x);   // print 20
            public static void main(String args[]) {
                Demo demo=new Demo();
2.Arithmetic Operators :
                                          Arithmetic Operators are used for Arithmetic  calculation . Arithmetic operators are +,-,*,/,%,++,--

        public class Demo
           public Demo()
               int x, y = 50, z = 10;
                 x = y + z;
                 System.out.println("result of + operator is : " + x);
                 x = y - z;
                 System.out.println("result of - operator is : " + x);
                 x = y * z;
                 System.out.println("result of * operator is : " + x);
                 x = y / z;
                 System.out.println(result of "/ operator is : " + x);
                 x = y % z;
                 System.out.println(result of "% operator is : " + x);
                 x = y++;
                 System.out.println("result of Post ++ operator is : " + x);
                 x = ++z;
                 System.out.println("result of Pre ++ operator is : " + x);
                 x = -y;
                System.out.println("result of Unary operator is : " + x);
          public static void main(String args[]) {
              Demo demo=new Demo();

 3.Relational Operators :
                                           Relational Operators are used to compare between    two or more objects in java. It returns the boolean value.Here is an example

       public class Demo
          public Demo( )

             int x = 50, y = 10;

              System.out.println("x > y : "+(x > y)); // true
              System.out.println("x < y : "+(x < y)); // false
              System.out.println("x >= y : "+(x >= y)); // true
              System.out.println("x <= y : "+(x <= y)); // false
              System.out.println("x == y : "+(x == y)); // false
              System.out.println("x != y : "+(x != y)); // true


          public static void main(String args[])
              Demo demo=new Demo();

4.Logical Operators :
                                     Logical Operators return always boolean value(true or false) based on the state of variables . Here is an example
        public class Demo
             public Demo( )

                 boolean x = true;
                 boolean y = false;

                System.out.println("x & y : " + (x & y));
                System.out.println("x && y : " + (x && y));
                System.out.println("x | y : " + (x | y));
                System.out.println("x || y: " + (x || y));
                System.out.println("x ^ y : " + (x ^ y));
                System.out.println("!x : " + (!x));


            public static void main(String args[])
                 Demo demo=new Demo();

 5.Bit wise Operator : Java provides seven bit wise operators . Operators are
                       f)Signed Right-shift
                       g)Unsigned Right-shift

6.Conditional Operator :
                                           Ternary operator is called as conditional operator. It takes three arguments.

                          Syntax is

                                   result=condition?true result:false result ;

                          Here is an example

                         public class Demo
                              public Demo( )
                                 int x = 100, y = 120, z = 0;
                                 z = x > y ? x : y;
                                 System.out.println("z : " + z); // print 120


                             public static void main(String args[])
                                   Demo demo=new Demo();

7. Instanceof Operator : 
                                            instanceof Operator is used to check the instance is of a particular type(class or interface) or not . It returns  boolean value .
                          Syntax is

                       (object reference variable) instanceof (class or interface)

                           Here is an example

                           public class Demo {

                                  public static void main(String args[]) {

                                    int x = 10;

                                 // following will return true if 'x' is type of int

                                    boolean result = x instanceof float;

                                  System.out.println( result ); // print false

                                   boolean result1 = x instanceof int;

                                  System.out.println( result1 ); // print true


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